Regression Testing

Ensuring Software Reliability with End to End Testing and Regression Testing

This article is gonna help you know about some critical details regarding the topic under discussion. You are certainly gonna be getting to know about some amazing facts regarding such application testing. I am sure you are pretty much excited for this technical journey. Let us begin then..

What is End To End Testing?

Basically end to end testing is an important segment of QA and it is performed by a full fledged test of the whole application from the beginning to the end so one can scrutinise effectively if it operates as you expect. 

Such type of testing ensures that the system functions and operations that all the linked components and segments perform together in a harmonious manner. 

End to end testing is engineered to scrutinise system integration and the integrity of data and the main goal of an end to end functional testing is to effectively scrutinise that all the components of the software are working in the way which will solve all the issues arising in the system. 

This not only helps in such cases but it even helps to closely see and supervise if the system applications work according to your needs and requirements and it even helps to reduce any kind of risk that arises during the functioning and programming of applications. 

E2E Testing Methods

 End to end testing method includes testing of the application right from the beginning to the end which begins from the user interaction and front end display and endures through end components and significant data manipulation. 

There are two significant methods of end to end testing the first one is horizontal testing and the next is vertical testing.

 Horizontal testing means holistically testing the entire application and vertical testing tests the different components differently. Both these methods support the system record level bugs that will be required to be eliminated before your release. 

Horiz ontal Testing

 Horizontal testing is basically a type of software testing that scrutinises the functionality of a said application across different layers of its components. 

This type of testing is mostly implemented to make sure that the application performs as expected on various platforms, environments and even different configurations.

The main aim of horizontal testing is to know about total coverage of the functionality of applications and to find out if there are any issues that can arise later right from the beginning till the end.

Vertical Testing

 Vertical testing basically aims at the scalability and functionality of apps within a specific layer of technological development. 

 The differences of end to end testing is normally used to verify if the applications can manage the expected amount in terms of traffic and info. 

This even helps to know if there are any issues or bottlenecks that may come in the way when there is a rise in the users or information.  

Performance testing can find out if there are any possible performance problems when new characteristics are introduced.

What is Regression Testing?

Regression testing is an efficient manner to find out that we do not add new bugs when the software is modified. When you run an existing test time and again and find out that they pass with modern changes you can surely confirm whether the qualities are maintained or if we need to do any modifications in the methods. 

The phrase ‘regression testing’ itself comes from the actual concept of regression which refers to a condition of getting back to the early state or situation when we talk about software engineering.

Importance of Regression Testing

Maintaining Software Quality

Regression testing helps in maintaining software quality confirming that changes are safe.Regression testing does verify that changes made to the application system are secured and do not affect other segments of the system. This aids to eliminate the risks of abnormal degradation and makes sure that the system is consistent and highly reliable.

Detecting Defects

Regression testing aids in detecting defects that may have been added into the technology due to modifications or changes. This facilitates ensuring that the system keeps on functioning correctly and fulfils the demands of its users.

Improving Time to Market

Improving time to go for the marketing is yet another benefit of choosing regression testing. Regression testing even helps to know about defects prior in the development, decreasing the resources and time needed to solve them. This can help enhance the period to market for the software and cut down the designing cost.

Bottom line 

We have shared with you some of the most amazing regarding end to end testing and regression testing. These tests have proven to be a boon to the world of software and app testing. We are sure you have received some amazing knowledge from this blog here.


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