Muscle Growth

5 Proven Strategies to Boost Muscle Growth

Strength-training exercises, whether through bodyweight resistance or weightlifting, are proven methods for building and strengthening muscles. But exercise alone won’t give you the gains you’re looking for. These are the 5 strategies proven to boost muscle growth. 

The Right Supplements

Get the right supplements to boost muscle growth! And by that, we mean those supplements that are high quality, lab-tested, and proven to be effective. 

You can now buy SARMs, creatine, and even natural testosterone boosters online at affordable prices. These supplements are typically much safer than traditional steroids and they also produce fewer side effects. 

There are many supplements out there claiming to boost muscle growth. But do your research before taking anything new, and only purchase products from reputable companies. Discuss your supplementation needs with your trainer, coach, or healthcare provider, first. 

Complete Protein Power

Adequate protein intake is crucial for muscle repair and maintenance. So get yourself some protein power! 

Consume a source of high-quality protein before and after exercise, and you will optimise muscle protein synthesis and promote muscle growth. Animal foods like meat, fish, and eggs contain all the essential amino acids your body needs, making them complete protein sources.

Animal protein foods are nutritious, filling, and tasty. Dry-aged beef is a particularly good source of protein, and it’s especially tender with a rich flavour, too. So don’t forget to check out our 5 ways to prepare dry-aged beef

But if you want to add in some plant-based proteins, quinoa is an ideal choice. Unlike most plant proteins, it’s a complete protein source.

Clever Carbo Loading

While protein is essential for boosting muscle growth, carbs play an important role in exercise and fitness goals, too. Indeed, many athletes rely on carbo-loading before competitive sporting events for increased energy and endurance. But why are carbs important for boosting muscle growth? 

When you eat carbohydrates, they are digested and broken down into glucose. This is stored in the body, including your muscles, as glycogen. Glycogen is your muscles’ primary fuel for energy production during a rigorous workout. 

That’s why loading up on carbs is often recommended for the energy and endurance you’ll need during exercise. The best options are the complex carbohydrates found in whole grains, potatoes, rice, and legumes. 

If these foods don’t sound too exciting, just remember it’s okay to experiment with your food. There are several ways to get creative in the kitchen and add flavour to your carbs.

Essential Amino Acids

Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins, and therefore very important for boosting muscle growth and aiding muscle repair. 

Essential amino acids (EAAs) are especially crucial for muscle tissue growth. And this is proven by science. Research into essential amino acids has shown that essential amino acids (EAA) are necessary to increase muscle and whole-body protein synthesis (WBPS).

But these essential aminos cannot be produced by our bodies. They must therefore be obtained from the foods we eat, or through amino acid supplementation. So, what foods contain these all-important amino acids? 

Animal proteins are the best sources of all of these essential amino acids. Nuts and seeds contain some (but not all) of them, too. You can also increase your amino intake with a branched-chain amino acid supplement. This will help you recover after intensive strength training, and will also boost muscle growth.

Timing is Everything

When you’re committed to boosting your muscle growth, timing is everything! You need to pay special attention to your mealtimes and rest times.

Eat your pre-workout meal (protein and carbs) two to three hours before your workout. And one to two hours after your workout, you can enjoy your post-workout meal (again, protein and carbs). Enjoy a protein bar or whey protein shake about 30 minutes before and after your workout.

Get enough sleep, around 7 to 9 hours a night. And remember to incorporate rest periods between workouts, at least one or two days per week. During these rest periods, your body will repair and rebuild the muscle tissues damaged during workouts. 

It may be tempting to work out every day for faster results, but the opposite is true. Rest periods are essential to not only recover but also repair muscle tissue after intensive weight-lifting sessions. It remains one of the simplest proven strategies to boost muscle growth.


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